Thursday, August 28, 2008

Relationship Confusion

One of the most interesting ideas about relationships and dating is the infamous label. Where did the label come from? In my opinion labels belong on soup cans and envelopes, not on relationships. Sure I can see how some would be labeled as boy-friend/girl-friend, that has been around for a long time. The labels I don't understand is the "Dating" and "Talking"label. Those of you who have kids probably have heard it before when your son or daughter corrects you for calling a friend they're boy-friend or girl-friend after inviting them over to watch a movie or along to dinner. They instantly say "NO!!! were just dating." ,or "NO!!! Were just talking, God u don't understand." Well Personally I'm 23 years old and I don't understand myself. Maybe I'm Old fashion but I think if your at the stage of kissing and spending a lot of time with some one your at the stage of  the significant other, Most people whom are older refer that to be the dating. You are dating that person you are boyfriend/girlfriend. But a lot of younger people even some my age think that's a different stage completely. I still don't understand how that works it just doesn't make sense to me. Another questionable aspect of dating is people and learning there types. By types I mean the infamous saying "He/she is not my type" for those who know your type and who have found your type and are still with your type, that means the type you think u like is the correct type, Those of you who say He/She is not my type but the type you are used to, "your type" perhaps that isn't your type, so in effect your dating people who aren't your type already. For example, a girl that goes for a guy only because he looks good, he may be an ass , he could even just ignore her completely but she still tries to date him and when they do it doesn't work, she goes through 3 or 4 of the same types of guys that she THINKS are her type when really her real type isn't what she thought . One of the reasons i post this is because I'm one of the guys that get over looked, I'm a nice guy I'm not bad looking i don't think, but the girls are to bent on trying to find a perfect guy, they begin to think the perfect personality aspect is only found in movies so they just find the perfect looking guy. 
For what ever side you may be on whether your the person that has been over looked or the one who has over looked many, Some day you will come to realize your type and when that day comes you will find some one wonderful, don't just settle for some one!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Reading for play

Play seems to not only exist in cultured people or "beings" but it exists in most every living thing. Part of the article referring to a "universal" thing could be put in to a Literal term. Perhaps it could refer to every life form existing in the universe. Another question that i asked from the article.. can beings be to smart to play? Does the worlds greatest scientist not play when he does his experiments? I think play can include every living thing in our universe and i would imagine any one or any thing that is kept away from play or denies it is in for a very boring life. The offensive part of the article for most people (It didn't offend me, I'm not religious) However but the comparison to religion is a bad comparison for a simple fact that people choose to believe religion because they believe it to be truth not to take part in it because they want to escape reality. 

Thursday, August 21, 2008

When i play i don't confine the story or the game to earthly ideals but i like to expand out side the earth. Our earth only makes up a small part of the universe why confine yourself to one tiny part?
Often times i try to find ideas that involve more types of technology. Different species of people from different parts. There planetary physics and geology may be different from ours, 2 suns, 3 suns, 5 moons or even no moon. Why confine your self to just local or world wide.. you may as well take the next step and go beyond!!
The artical I read was at first a little confusing. Before the reference in the article i had faint recollection of the movie AI and had never heard of ILB or any of the other promotional ideas mentioned in the article however once reading deeper in to it i realized that this was strikingly similar to the method used by J.J. Abrams, Writer and producer of the movied Cloverfield. I followed the movie Cloverfield as soon as the preview first aired before the movie Transformers. There was no title at the time ,however it only read the release date "1-18-08". The producer made many viral ads and websites emulating a real website. The producer even made fake new casts reporting clues even after the movie. Back to the point, A lot of the points coverd in the description of the different ARGs , I could finally recognize after being able to reference it to something i had experience myself. I most defiantly look forward to creating an ARG and use Viral media to help make it feel real