Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Real? not real

He does bring up a point about objects we see some times aren't what they appear to be. The example toward the end of the laser pointer being concealed in the pipe, If you think about it, how manny things on the market have you seen that are "spy like" devices that look like something else but it decoys there true function. The first part of the article he writes about items taking form of an object but they are not really the object such as the painting or a 3d rendering of an object. Im not 100 percent clear on what he means but the TVs are part of our heads now because thats not nessecarily true. However i do find our use of them very prevalent and if he means that we use them all the time such as our brain then i could see how that would fit in to what he was referring to.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

My 2nd Dereive

I decided to make a new improved dereive because There was a place i had not been before and i wanted to go . I then proceeded to take my Sony Didgital camera set on Camcorder mode and take a walk to the unknown

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My derieve

My dereive was  Walking from my friends apt in Lafayette Indiana to his first class, granted it wasn't that far away but the results i got were astonishing.  It turned out that his first class inindiana would be in the middle of a lake if the map were layed on top of the local geography. The pictures are attatched.


Monday, September 22, 2008


Situationist don't believe games should resemble a imitated every day real life scenario. They believe games should escape the every day "capitalist" ideas and just Play. it rejects having a specific area or magic circle as they put in which to limit the bounds of the game. They do believe in there needing to be rewards but they don't think the game should be totally based on beating or not beating levels for example. An example that comes to mind is Grand Theft Auto, well really any of them more specifically the later 2 , Vice city and San Andreas. They consist of missions you must complete however u can after the missions are complete or if u decide to use some ones saved game and copy it on to your memory card.. like i did. You have a completed game where u can roam around with your planes and helicopters , or driving around in your expensive cars and downloading mods such as replacing the generic cars with real ones. However situationist don't limit the game to a PlayStation as they said. Derieves are another popular thing among situationist. They gave examples of the shopping patterns in stores making currents when taken in high speed. Another example was given that People were given coordinate of another player, They were given a GPS with a simple interface such as on 80s video games of the other persons locations. People were frantically running through the streets of Rotterdam trying to get away from there pursuers that were less geologically stricken then they were. Second life is an example of a situationist game because it really emulates real life. There are actually people that make a living on second life having businesses paying people they've never met to build them things that they never get to touch. Thus the name second life. Of course hacks have come out to make the fun even more interesting , such as uncontrollable self replicating objects that just clutter up the game with a chair.. or a car , or a teddy bear.
The bottom line is the situationist doesn't like to play by the rules, because that's just like living in real life.


The Derive article was very complex in its language. Reading it was like i was expecting to read about Neutron stars and there effect on cosmic rays hitting earth. The beginning in the definition it was clear what it was however going in to detail started to loose me. But what i got out of it is Psycho geographical means the Geography your used to seeing, or the path u normally take. If you used the same directions in a different area aka a different geological location it would seem you aren't going the same way because your mind is set on These are the landmarks i see and this is where i turn when i see them.
Derives can last up to a few days although I would never want to do one that long, however there are so many ways one could derive so its hard to say weather it would be desirable or not desirable. I suppose some one trying to get away from where they were could be doing a derive on the interstate and setting a direction on there GPS and see where the road takes them. In that case i can see how a Derive would last for several days. 
Derives can also inspire architectural styles. Abstract styling in apartments or buildings are put in place such as large pieces of cake  that can be enlarged by moving portions of it. The choice of rooms by the use of special doors, some one could choose the size or number of rooms in there living space or office.
They are currently developing a car that you can remove the body off the frame and replace it with a pickup, a sedan, an SUV, or a Sports car using a simple lift found in your garage. I thought that was need and could be inspired by the Derive as well.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Nature disappearing.

Im assuming this article is referring to nature in cities. Im not sure what city its talking about, however I do understand what the article is talking about. The idea that nature is disappearing has been known for a long time from rain forests and regular forests. How how ever children do get exposure to nature when every they go to the zoo or go out side the city. Most cities in the united states are much like Peoria. You head away from the city for a while you hit nature. Plenty of it.. Miles and miles of corn fields and trees, one may argue that cornfields aren't natural but the coves of wooded areas that seem to lurk every where i think are. Sure a child growing up in the city doesn't see nature every day but that's been the case for big cities for the past 100 years if you live in a big city you aren't going to see a lot of nature, sure the birds and bees and insects but your not going to find a pasture with wild buffalo. The loss of the nature does effect people and there daily activities , Its also a fact that the air is cleaner in a less urban area, however as i said before its really in the hands of the people. Nature as a result in urbanization disappears, the increase of park areas would be a good start, Schools with large play grounds with trees would be another good idea also. Personally the question of the parents not letting the children play out side in the nature most likely has to do with the crime rate of a selected area, or the parent is over protective of there child. The correlation of that to having nature and not having nature has nothing to do with the parents decision on letting the child play outside in nature or not, that has to do with how the parent was raised. For example a child Raised in the city in a high crime area is more likely to be very protective of there children if they are in an urban environment however that child raised on the farm will most likely let there child roam free around the area and have that well known bell on the front of the house for when its time to eat or come inside for the night. The natural environment may have little to do with the child's freedoms but it could indeed stem from it originally. This could also have to do with the use of cars vs walking a high crime area may be the reason for walking and recreational activities to be hindered. Heat waves are often clustered around large cities because the asphalt and concrete hold heat a lot more efficiently than does the earth. They act as insulators so the heat becomes much greater in urban areas. 

Geocaching is A game in which you are required to have a GPS unit, and by getting corodinance offline from other Geocachers you can figure out the location of a box filled with stuff, each person is supposed to replace what they took out however it doesn't have to be of the same item. Players can take what every they want and put it in he box however they must replenish he stash in the box.