Monday, September 22, 2008


Situationist don't believe games should resemble a imitated every day real life scenario. They believe games should escape the every day "capitalist" ideas and just Play. it rejects having a specific area or magic circle as they put in which to limit the bounds of the game. They do believe in there needing to be rewards but they don't think the game should be totally based on beating or not beating levels for example. An example that comes to mind is Grand Theft Auto, well really any of them more specifically the later 2 , Vice city and San Andreas. They consist of missions you must complete however u can after the missions are complete or if u decide to use some ones saved game and copy it on to your memory card.. like i did. You have a completed game where u can roam around with your planes and helicopters , or driving around in your expensive cars and downloading mods such as replacing the generic cars with real ones. However situationist don't limit the game to a PlayStation as they said. Derieves are another popular thing among situationist. They gave examples of the shopping patterns in stores making currents when taken in high speed. Another example was given that People were given coordinate of another player, They were given a GPS with a simple interface such as on 80s video games of the other persons locations. People were frantically running through the streets of Rotterdam trying to get away from there pursuers that were less geologically stricken then they were. Second life is an example of a situationist game because it really emulates real life. There are actually people that make a living on second life having businesses paying people they've never met to build them things that they never get to touch. Thus the name second life. Of course hacks have come out to make the fun even more interesting , such as uncontrollable self replicating objects that just clutter up the game with a chair.. or a car , or a teddy bear.
The bottom line is the situationist doesn't like to play by the rules, because that's just like living in real life.

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